Money For Your Biz Now.com
Biz Hrs: M-SAT 10A-10P
Eastern Standard Time
Sun Closed for Worship
"Your Global Funding Solution!"
"Your Global Funding Solution!"
"Your Global Funding Solution!"
"Your Global Funding Solution!"
"Your Global Funding Solution!"
"Your Global Funding Solution!"
"Your Global Funding Solution!"
Office: 914-297-2400
Mobile: 718-312-9838
"When the need arises for quick expansion capital, new inventory, money to meet payroll, fulfilling a new contract, or needing business lines of credit in the acquisiton of property for your new business location, or on large commercial overseas or, on shovel-ready domestic projects...
(M.F.Y.B.N.) become your "preferred consulting group; your company's BEST options for BUSINESS FUNDING at the "SPEED OF LIGHT!"


Our private equity firms and hedge fund partner groups have combined 150 years of experience in domestic as well as International funding. If you qualify, let us find the perfect-tailor-made lending solution for your exact business model, in the fastest time possible!
With a myriad of options available to meet your most urgent funding needs; MFYBN.com; Takes extreme pride in bringing you the very best that our industry can offer in terms of speed, dependability, confidentiality, flexibility, dependability and honesty.

We are right there from start to finish and are never too busy to answer ANY questions before, during or after your funding experience. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service. We are here for you.
We are also looking for clients that have multiple advances and are looking to stack/consolidate for a longer term or more money and are willing to use collateral to do so. We DO NOT CARE about the client having to net 50% of the proceeds. As long as the client can afford to consolidate or an additional payment and it benefits the client there is no set % that the client must meet.
Our lender's current offering includes standard collateralized loans up to and in excess of $1.5 million, with payback terms of up to 24 months and interest only loans secured by real estate collateral with 1 to 3 year terms.
The loan offerings are summarized in the table below:
Type of Loan Max Amount Max Term Collateral Payment Options
Base $2mm+ 36 months Real Estate Daily, Weekly
Interest Only $2mm+ 36 months Real Estate Daily, Weekly
interest only
Collateralized loans offer advantages over unsecured loans for certain borrowers, often either providing funding where others cannot or offering much larger funding amounts with longer terms. We can work with restricted industries, purchasers of businesses, business owners with poor personal credit, businesses with few monthly deposits, and is tolerant of NSFs. Our lenders unique interest only product that can provide up to three times as large a loan amount versus an amortizing loan. We can also offers the longest terms for 2nd and 3rd positions available in the industry.
1) Applying for a loan
An application needs to be submitted, in addition, the client’s most recent 6 month’s business bank statements should accompany the application (all accounts, all pages). A description of the collateral property should also be submitted, along with Value and amount of any existing liens on the property.
**Official submission of the loan will require a copy of the tax bill, and mortgage statement(s). Submission of these items with the application will significantly streamline the application-to-funding timeline**
2) Initial analysis Phase
The statements, application, and property information will be analyzed and “most likely” details of the potential loan will be presented to the client as a conditional approval. These details will include term, payment & structure. Borrower will be asked if he/she would like to proceed.
3) Remaining submission documents collected
If the property information was not collected in step one (recommended) we will need to collect Deed, tax bill & mortgage statement. A copy of a voided check will also be required. At this point, we also need the borrower to complete and sign an ACH authorization allowing said lender to collect the fees we need to pay our vendors for title reports/insurance and valuation reports (Broker Price Opinion/Property inspection). Costs are as follows…Residential Title: $290 Residential Valuation: $300 Commercial Title: $365 Commercial Valuation: $1,200.
4) Collateral Reports are Ordered, Received, and evaluated internally
The client WILL be contacted by one of our third-party, contracted representatives to schedule a property inspection. The faster the client schedules the property inspection, the faster the overall process can occur. This process can take anywhere from 3-10 business days, depending on the property type, location, and loan request. **Please be patient during this process.
We are working as fast as we can and want to fund as fast as you do!!!!**
5) Final Approval from Investment Committee is delivered
This process is FAST and is completed (typically) the same day we receive and review the third party reports (valuation and title insurance). If the title insurance company has any additional stipulations, they will request these at this point
6) Client will receive a call from the back office/processing unit of lender.
Processing will contact the client directly for a brief Q&A. Requests for any additional/supporting documentation MAY be requested at this time. The processor may ask question that the client has already provided answers to or request documentation that has already been submitted. Client should make note of any items requested that have NOT been submitted and send those to lender ASAP
7) Client will be contacted by Notary to schedule closing
Upon submission of any outstanding documentation, client will be contacted by a Notary Public to schedule in-person closing. Closing should be scheduled ASAP. Notary will contact lender after client has signed the contracts
The following documentation is needed to approve a collateralized loan:
v Application (We can accept your application)
v Third Party Fee Authorization Form
v The past 6 months of bank statements for all business bank accounts (all pages including those left intentionally blank)
v A Clear Copy of Driver's License (Cell Phone Picture Suffice)
v Voided Check For Business Bank Account (Cell Phone Picture Suffice)
v Copy of Last Year’s Business Tax Return (2016) including K-1 or Schedule G. Schedule C or E for Sole Prop
v When Pledging Real Estate please provide: copy of deed(s), if not fully owned, please provide most recent mortgage statement(s), and a copy of most recent property tax bill
v Profit & Loss Statement 2016
Our lenders have a wide range of programs constructed to help business owners get out of debt. The type of clients we are looking for are clients that have poor credit and only has offers for 25% - 50% of monthly revenue when their cash flow can support a higher loan amount (we will lend up to 300% of monthly revenue as long as the client can afford it and is willing to use real estate collateral and even raw land regardless of credit)
( Free & Clear Real Estate (65% LTV on R.E.) to secure a higher loan amount.